Voiance Language Services Blog

Improve Your Contact Center's Metrics With Voiance

Written by Ashley Harris | Sep 26, 2018


We know contact centers rely heavily on their key performance indicators (KPIs); that's why our language services would be a great addition to your contact center initiatives to improve metricand meet KPIs. 

Why Switch to Voiance?

One small change to your multilingual support plan may improve scorecards across your content center. We can help your contact center with:

Lowering your Bill

We only charge you for the time spent with the actual interpreter on the line. Other language service providers begin billing the moment you connect to the operator, who will ask what language you need and take down other information before transferring your call to an interpreter. When choosing your provider, work with someone who makes it clear that there are no additional charges for time spent waiting for the interpreter to come on the line. 

Average Handle Time

Our streamlined process connects you to an interpreter quickly, which may reduce Average Handle Time. Your account information can be auto-authenticated, allowing you to speak the name of the language you need and connect in 15 seconds or less on average. With a workforce management team promoting consistent coverage over nights and weekends, our large-scale interpreter contact centers are ready to meet your fluctuating demand. 

Our process may shorten non-English calls up to a minute. A client using 5,000 minutes per month of phone interpretation may eliminate 100 hours annually of time spent waiting for interpreters* - a full two-and-half weeks of agent time.

 *(5,000 min/month at 10 mins/call = 500 calls/month x 12 months = 6,000 calls/year = 6,000 mins saved/60 mins/hour = 100 hours saved)

First Call Resolution

Miscommunication can negatively affect First Call Resolution; you want to resolve your customer’s inquiries the first time they call. Our consistent, culturally competent interpreters aim to reduce unnecessary recalls.

Our certified interpreters complete 120 hours of in-person training, including written and oral exams. After training, they receive continuous quality monitoring to promote clear, consistent interpretation. 

Customer Satisfaction Scores

Customers dislike waiting, which is why we work to give you quick connection times to interpreters who are well trained and culturally competent. These factors may improve your customer satisfaction scores, leading to positive word of mouth and potential growth.

Switching to Voiance is Easy 

We use dedicated interpretation service professionals, so the transition is: 





Our team has helped
thousands of clients
make the switch.

We strive to minimize
the time you spend

We provide implementation
support at no additional

We will guide you through:

Consultation & Planning

Roll Out

Go Live



Watch the short video below to learn more about why Voiance is the right choice for contact center multilingual support. Then, visit start.voiance.com/contact-new to get started.